As is the case in theatre, first impressions count. The first thirty seconds of a performance will inform how you feel about the rest of the performance. As is the case with the work done by Visual Architects. From the moment that you step into one of our experiences, you are engulfed in a totally new world.
In these strange and uncertain times, we have had to adapt our experiences to fit within Social Distancing guidelines. An example of this is our ‘Sit-Down’ shows, wherein the audiences are placed within socially-distant booths. Setting the audience out like this lends itself very well to different kinds of storytelling. We can have the performers move all around the members of the audience, wherever they are sitting. This way, everyone gets a different, unique experience.
These Sit-Down events and experiences have many, many layers to them. As we are compliant with Social Distancing measures, we make sure that all members of the audience are able to see the pieces of decor which make up the performance, regardless of where they are placed. The audience will be able to see all of the elements which make up the experience: the stage, DJ Booth, the technical effects, the performers themselves. Removing any one of these elements from our events would be robbing the audience of a truly miraculous experience.

For all of these themes and pieces of staging and setting, your eyes will be drawn to the centrepiece of this adventure:
The Stage. Imagine you’re walking into a venue to take part in one of our experiences. With the awe-inspiring work done by our design teams, the stages and DJ Booths will be impeccably designed with every single fantasy in mind.
You will be transported through time to the Wild West, riding with Outlaws, or chasing them down with Lawmen. You’ll be slap bang in the middle of the rainforest, with vines crawling all over the stage and the sounds of waterfalls and tropical birds creating a soundscape around you. Or are you a fan of Steampunk? Then just imagine a massive, fully functioning Victorian Clockwork clock on-stage.

We don’t do things half-heartedly, either. We use a wide range of materials in our designs to bring our experiences to life. Everything from the aforementioned hand-crafted sets to futuristic 3D-Mapping on-stage. Imagine you want a fully-mapped image projected onto the stage and the walls.
How about lasers? You like lasers? Of course you do! Have some lasers! Or maybe you’re a bit of a pyromaniac? Because we can have fire shooting around the stage (albeit safely) to your heart’s content!
All of the work that we do, in regards to the design and production of our stages and DJ Booths, is all done to enhance an experience that you would not want to miss. And you shouldn’t.